Media Coverage
Pressure ionization in extremely dense plasmas
- World’s strongest laser enables pressure-driven ionization - Nature Research Briefings
- Die Sonne im Labor - News portal of the Helmholtz Association
- Sternmaterie unter extremem Druck -
- Wissenschaftler*innen enthüllen im Labor erstmals das Verhalten von Sternmaterie unter extremem Druck - Uni Rostock & HZDR press release
- Experiments shed light on pressure-driven ionization in giant planets and stars - LLNL press release
- Under pressure: Foundations of stellar physics and nuclear fusion investigated - University of Warwick press release
Red dwarfs in the laboratory
- Features in Plasma Physics - Physics of Plasmas webinar
- A deep dive into the interior of red dwarfs - LLNL press release
Diamond formation from PET plastics
- Could there be rivers of diamond on Neptune and Uranus - BBC World Service
- Four ways science has made our lives better recently: diamonds out of plastic bottles, and more - Euronews
- ‘Diamond rain’ on Uranus and Neptune is simulated by firing a laser at plastic - Physics World
- Laborreise ins Innere der Erde -
- Räteslhafter Neptun: Die Magie der Eiswolken - Spiegel
- Wie aus Plastikflaschen "Nanodiamanten" werden könnten -
- „Eisplaneten-Diamanten“ erzeugt -
- Extreme Bedingungen im Planeteninneren lassen Edelsteine entstehen - Tagesspiegel
- Wie aus Plastikflaschen Diamanten werden -
- ‘Diamond rain’ on giant icy planets could be more common than previously thought - SLAC press release
- Nanodiamanten aus Flaschenplastik - University of Rostock & HZDR press release
X-ray Raman spectroscopy for characterizing matter unter extreme conditions
- Features in Plasma Physics - Physics of Plasmas Webinar
- Using X-Ray Raman Spectroscopy to Study Planets - AZO Optics
- New measurement method promises spectacular insights into the interior of planets - ScienceDaily
- Kohlenstoff im Röntgenblick -
- Mit Röntgen-Raman-Spektroskopie das Innenleben von Planeten untersuchen - Analytik News
- An X-ray view of carbon: New measurement method promises spectacular insights into the interior of planets - HZDR press release
X-ray Thomson scattering as diagnostics for demixing in warm dense matter
- Materie im Laser-Kochtopf -
- X-ray scattering enables closer scrutiny of the interior of planets and stars - Space Daily
- A new way to study how elements mix deep inside giant planets - SLAC press release
- New way to study how elements mix in giant planets - LLNL press release
- Exotic Mixtures - HZDR press release
Diamond precipitation inside icy giant planets
- Martian snow and diamond rain: Wild weather in our solar system -
- Scientists Make It Rain Diamonds In The Lab - Forbes
- It rains solid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune - Washington Post
- Warum es auf Neptun Diamanten regnet - Spiegel
- Massive diamonds develop on Neptune and Uranus - The Times
- Astro-bling: scientists recreate 'diamond rain' of Neptune and Uranus - The Guardian
- ‘Diamond rain’ which falls on Neptune and Uranus created in lab by scientists - The Telegraph
- Diamonds are rare on Earth. Elsewhere, they fall from the sky - The Economist
- Forscher lassen Nano-Diamanten rieseln - Neue Züricher Zeitung
- It rains solid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune - Chicago Tribune
- Auf dem Neptun regnet es Diamanten - Welt
- "Diamantregen" nachgebildet - Bild der Wissenschaft
- Planeten, in denen es Diamanten regnet - Frankfurter Rundschau
- Auf Eisplaneten regnet es Diamanten - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
- „Klare Hinweise auf Diamanten“ - Welt der Physik
- ‘Diamond Sky’: Remembering The Cosmic Connection - Centuri Dreams
- Conditions like those inside Neptune cause diamond formation - ars Technica
- Scientists figure out how to make it rain diamonds -
- Chemie unter extremen Bedingungen. Diamant-Regen auf Uranus und Neptun - Deutschlandfunk
- Scientists Create ‘Diamond Rain’ That Forms in the Interior of Icy Giant Planets - SLAC press release
- Im Neptun regnet es Diamanten - HZDR press release
Shock formation of diamond and lonsdaleite from graphite
- Want to make a diamond? Slam an asteroid into the earth! - Bad Astronomy Blog by Phil Plait
- Extra Hard Space Diamonds May Have Formed in an Ancient Cosmic Collision - Scientific American
- Smash hit: Making 'diamond' that's harder than diamonds - Science News for Students
- Looking For Diamonds in Meteorite Craters -
- SLAC Researchers Recreate the Extreme Universe in the Lab - SLAC press release
- Shock compression research shows diamond could serve as meteor impact marker - LLNL press release
- Puzzle of hexagonal diamond at meteorite sites solved - University of Warwick press release
General appearances |
- Campus Talks - ARD-alpha
- Remaking a planet one atom at a time - Eos magazine of American Geophysical Union
- Strip the Cosmos: Inside Mega Space Storms - Discovery Science documentary
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